Facilities Planning & Management
足彩平台 FPM sunflower picture

Bulb Recycling


  1. Only designated employees will be authorized to collect and transport fluorescent/incandescent light bulbs to the central storage location.
  2. All bulbs will be containerized in approved containers.
  3. All bulbs will be transported to the designated recycling storage area (Bunker) and not left in any other area of the Stores/Receiving area.
  4. Stores staff must be notified prior to a delivery to insure security at the site. Bulbs cannot be delivered without Stores staff on site.
  5. All bulbs must be segregated by type as follows:
    1. Fluorescent lamps 2'-8' in length in their original boxes (remove the packing prior to packing the tubes). Bulbs measuring 2' & 3' lengths can be packed with 4' lengths and bulbs measuring 5' length can be packed with 6' or 8' lengths (Mark the exact number of lamps on each box of fluorescent lamps.)
    2. Other bulbs/lamps will be transported in suitable boxes and removed from the boxes and placed in the appropriate storage/pick-up containers. These containers will be marked by bulb type.
    3. Broken bulbs will be delivered in a clear plastic bag marked with the number and kind of broken bulbs.
    4. The following bulb separation will be followed when delivering bulbs/lamps to the central storage area:
      1. Fluorescent lamps by length-in original boxes placed on pallets.
      2. Circular and U bend fluorescent bulbs will be boxed together.
      3. Compact fluorescent bulbs will be boxed separately.
      4. Low pressure sodium bulbs will be boxed separately.
      5. High intensity discharge (HID) bulbs: High pressure sodium, metal halide and mercury vapor bulbs will be boxed together.
      6. Incandescent bulbs will be boxed together.
      7. All broken bulbs will be transported in clear plastic bags and placed together in a shipment box.
    5. A log is signed by all staff bringing bulbs/lamps to the central storage area as follows:
      1. Delivery staff's name
      2. Delivering unit
      3. Number of bulbs of each type delivered
      4. The date
    6. Bulbs/lamps cannot be taped together.