
Policy for Sponsorship and Advertising

Source: Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administrative Affairs

足彩平台 is faced with potentially beneficial advertising and sponsorship opportunities in University publications and programs (electronic and non-electronic and in facilities). This document is intended to communicate basic policy in this area and provide guidance on related matters.


Advertising is any advertisement, signage, label, packaging, imprint, logo, sales promotion activity or device, public relations material or events, merchandising or other activity or communication that has the obvious intent of promoting a non-University product, service, event, or organization. This definition does not apply to "sponsorship."

Sponsorship is non-University underwriting of a specific University event, program, publication or special activity (such as a scholarship fund drive) that represents the equivalent of a gift-in-kind or a gift of money insofar as the sponsoring organization provides or pays for advertising, promotion, materials, awards, and/or other items or services of value associated with such sponsorship.

University Publications are publications, including Electronic Publications, published by, or on behalf of, a University institution or sub-unit.

Electronic Publications are publications, including World Wide Web pages and E-mail, originating from or transmitted by a University office or employee. Electronic publications may include materials published or promulgated by or on behalf of a University unit.Academic Publications include, but may not be limited to school, college, and departmental brochures, bulletins, catalogs, timetables, etc., connected to the core academic mission of the University.
Non-Academic Publications include, but may not be limited to programs for cultural, community, entertainment, and athletic events; information handbooks, directories, and materials intended for non-student audiences.


Academic Publications

Information appearing in Academic Publications must support the academic mission of the University.
To preserve the integrity of the academic mission of the University, external paid advertising in Academic Publications, including World Wide Web pages and E-mail, is prohibited.

Non-Academic Publications and Facility Posting Boards

All advertising must conform to University policies governing placement and content (see Public Posting Policy). Advertising that promotes or implies the irresponsible use of alcohol or discrimination regarding race, color, gender, creed, religion, age, ancestry, nationality, origin, disability or sexual orientation is prohibited.


This policy does not apply to advertising of University products and programs to audiences internal to the University.Under special circumstances in which institutional advertising may be in the best interest of the University, the prohibition of paid advertising in Academic Publications may be appealed and granted by the Chancellor.

Sponsorship Policy

Limited non-University sponsorship acknowledgments or underwriting notification may be acceptable. All sponsorships must conform to any existing University policies governing sponsorship, gifts, and gifts-in-kind.

Identification of sponsors shall be limited to:

Name of the sponsor.
Purpose to which the sponsorship was directed.
The sponsor's location - physically and on the World Wide Web.
Non-comparative descriptions of the product or service line.
The sponsor's institutional goals or a public service message.
The sponsor's brand or trade names, including depictions of the same.
The sponsor's bona fide text or visual logo.
The length of time the sponsor has been in business or the date its business commenced.
The sponsor's telephone number.A "hot" link to the sponsor's external World Wide Web pages subjected to the following guidelines:


Hot links from a Web-based Academic Publication to a resource outside of the University's (.edu) domain, such as Web pages for local resources, sponsored research or those that are otherwise deemed to have value, are acceptable.
Links from a University page to any non-University page must not imply University endorsement of the external site's products or services. Disclaimers should be included on web pages if linking to a commercial site could imply endorsement. An appropriate disclaimer is: "Links on these pages to external sites do not represent endorsement by the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater."
When linking to an external Web page, it shall be made clear that the user is leaving the University's domain.
Prudence and discretion should be exercised when linking to off-site locations. Links to external sites must have a justifiable relationship to the campus' mission of teaching, research and community service.

".edu" vs. ".com"

There is no real regulation of World Wide Web domain names. Because the core mission of the University is academic, it is advisable that content listed under the ".edu" domain pertain to the mission of the University. When and if the University wishes to participate in advertising and commercial opportunities on the World Wide Web, such activities should be conducted under the ".com" domain and contract such activity to the private sector.


All plans for advertising and sponsorships arrangements must have prior approval of the appropriate Division head or designate and all contracts/agreements must be approved by the University Contract Officer (Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administrative Affairs). If the plan is to enter into an exclusive agreement, there must be a competitive process to make that determination.

As amended December 2001
Last Reviewed: October 2015