Human Resources

Years of Service: Frequently Asked Questions

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A Length of Service Award recognizes University of Wisconsin-Whitewater service in an established (benefit-eligible) appointment, adjusted for any breaks in service. Years of service for service award purposes are not prorated.

The Years of UWW service is independent of creditable years of service for retirement computations and State seniority date for adjusted continuous service. The calculation reflects ONLY years worked at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, as of the Fall contract start date of the award year.

Appointments are evaluated for staff serving in all benefit-eligible appointments.

For purposes of this program, all employment with the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater will be accumulative.  Years of service dates are adjusted for any breaks in service.  Approved leave of absences will not count against an employee's date.  Ultimately, Length of Service dates are determined/calculated to err in favor of the employee.

Reports are pulled that provide information on commonly used dates for employees and jobs, including the employee's first UWW hire date and adjusted continuous service years - both University and Systemwide.   The Campus First Hire Date  looks for the minimum job start date for an employee at 足彩平台's campus.  Calculations are then gathered by adding up the amount of time in each eligible positon at 足彩平台.

Awards are provided for the following years of service:  5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50.